جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
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جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري

جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  اليوميةاليومية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  س .و .جس .و .ج  بحـثبحـث  الأعضاءالأعضاء  المجموعاتالمجموعات  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  


 صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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جعفر الخابوري
جعفر الخابوري

المساهمات : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/06/2024

صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري    صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Emptyالأحد يونيو 30, 2024 3:54 pm

What happened, and is happening, of scandalous incitement, false accusations, and violent security dispersal of peaceful student sit-ins in American universities demanding an end to collusion with the Israeli occupation, strips the United States of America of the fig leaf with which it is trying to cover its discontent. Time after time, American soft power institutions, and here specifically the media and universities, reveal their ugly face and prove that they are merely tools in the service of the “empire” when it comes to major political agendas. This happened more than once, such as during the American-Soviet rivalry, as well as during the era of the “War on Terror,” and then preparing public opinion for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And now, in victory for Israel and supporting the war of annihilation it is waging in the Gaza Strip.
Suddenly, it is as if the world is discovering for the first time that American universities, the most prestigious in the world, which present themselves as bastions of free thinking, are turning from the opposite of the exported image into centers of detention and security violence, against students who were deluded into being the “social justice” generation, only to discover the falsity of the slogan after it collided with With the entrenched biases of the state-led imperialist political, security, military, media, and intellectual alliance.

The illusion is dissipating under the administration of a president (Joe Biden) who came to power pledging to “save the American reputation,” which he said was tarnished during the era of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden, a candidate in 2020, raised the slogan “Make America Respectable” again, in contrast to Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again.” Do you think that America is really viewed today, internally and externally, with respect when it participates in a brutal genocide and crimes against humanity taking place in the Gaza Strip in front of the whole world? The answer is, of course, no. However, this does not seem to be worrying Biden and the ruling establishment in his Democratic Party, as the hateful complicity and blind bias in favor of Israel are at the top of Biden’s claim, the candidate, to strengthen American leadership globally through the “strength of the model” it presents, not the “model of force,” in addition to “Restoring ethical leadership
Jaafar Abdul Karim Al Khabouri
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صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
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» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

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