جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
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جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري

جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  اليوميةاليومية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  س .و .جس .و .ج  بحـثبحـث  الأعضاءالأعضاء  المجموعاتالمجموعات  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  


 صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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جعفر الخابوري
جعفر الخابوري

المساهمات : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/06/2024

صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري    صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Emptyالأحد يونيو 30, 2024 3:53 pm

When Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich says that after today, his confidence in the army and the military establishment has ended, this is an indication of the extent to which Israel’s deterrence power has eroded. This is a time when Israeli planes and its security services, especially the Mossad, were tampering with Arab national security and carrying out assassination operations. Against the leaders of the Palestinian resistance in all countries of the world, without any significant response to these operations, as happened in the destruction of the Iraqi nuclear reactor in July 1981, as well as a Syrian nuclear facility in Deir ez-Zor in 2007, and the assassination of the second man in the Fatah movement and the engineer of the Palestinian quarantine uprising - Canon First / 1988 Abu Jihad in Tunisia, in April 1988, and after that, through one of its agents, it assassinated the three leaders of the Fatah movement, Salah Khalaf “Abu Iyad,” Hayel Abdel Hamid, and Fakhri Al-Omari in Tunisia, in January 1991, and also the assassination of the Secretary-General of the movement. Islamic Jihad Fathi al-Shaqaqi in Malta, on October 26, 1995, and the assassination of the commander of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai on January 19, 2010, and other operations against Palestinian resistance leaders inside and outside Palestine.
These operations and assassinations against the leaders of the Palestinian resistance, and the destruction of the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear programs and facilities, clearly demonstrated the power of this device and its long arm. They also created a state of great aura around this device, and the ability of the Israeli deterrence force, as a military force that cannot be defeated, and that its army cannot It is subjugated, and the culture of defeat was introduced into the Arab and Palestinian mind, by the approach of normalization and impotence from the countries of the Arab official system, and at the forefront of them is Sadat, who said, “99% of the solution cards are in America’s hands,” and then some emphasized this approach and that culture in war. The aggression it launched against Hezbollah in July 2006, with the aim of achieving a set of extremist strategic goals directed at inside Israel, similar to the goals of what Israel calls the Battle of the “Iron Swords,” meaning the Battle of October 7, the Al-Aqsa Flood, in the language of resistance.
Jaafar Abdul Karim Al Khabouri
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صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
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» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

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